eurocham greencap conference webinar
27 - 28 July 2021
On 27th and 28th July 2021, EuroCham Cambodia and Greencap Erasmus+ Project successfully hosted our two-day digital conference on EuroCham - GreenCap 2021 Youth Conference, Understanding the Green Job Market for a Sustainable Future. They welcomed over 130 live attendees each day with participation from Cambodian university students, academics, development partners, and the private sector.
The first day of the conference began with introductory remarks from Mr Tassilo BRINZER, EuroCham Chairman, and Mr Lionel LEMIALE, International Coordinator at Greencap; it continued with the panel discussion, moderated by Ms Karolien CASAER, Global Green Growth Institute Cambodia Country Director, on the green job markets in Cambodia. The main speaker was Mr Narin SOK (UNIDO Cambodia), with other panellists being from Syddansk Universitet – University of Southern Denmark, NUM International College, and foodpanda. The discussion was followed by a youth coaching session by Mr Narath CHHEAV from Royal University of Law and Economics ( RULE ), introducing the students to what they should prepare for the transition from school to the workplace. Day 1 conference ended with inspiring stories of founders and pioneers of Demine Robotics, Seeva Capital, and BRED Bank Cambodia.
The second day was kicked off with an introduction by Mr Denis SAINTE-MARIE, EuroCham Executive Director, and Mr Laurent MESMANN, National Coordinator at Greencap. It proceeded with the keynote presentation on SDGs in Cambodia, joined by representatives from the National University of Management, UNDP Cambodia, and the Asian Development Bank. With panellists from four different universities (National University Of Battambang - NUBB, University of Nantes, Institute of Technology of Cambodia - សាលាតិចណូ, and University of Vigo), have introduced the students to Sustainable Development Goals in Cambodia, specifically on gender equality, education, and environment. The session was moderated by EuroCham Members & Chapter Manager, Ms Lyze BENTOTO.
The 2-day conference ended by introducing participants to YEAC - Young Entrepreneurs Association of Cambodia, CWEA - Cambodia Women Entrepreneurs Association, and AIESEC Cambodia.
For up to 2 weeks after the registration, all participants will have the opportunity to engage 1-on-1 via direct messaging, video meetings with various experts, mentors and companies. This platform is open for companies and organisations looking for new talents, who can also upload their CVs and profiles with the function of matchmaking and scheduling interviews.
EuroCham and GreenCap (Erasmus+ Project) would like to thank our distinguished guest speakers, co-partners (UNIDO and UNDP), media partner (Khmer Times), and participants for their support and contribution to this conference.
The recorded session is available on the EuroCham YouTube channel (
Source: EuroCham Cambodia