Breakfast Talk on Pension Scheme Implementation
27 October 2022
Mr. Narath Chheav, had participated as a speaker in Breakfast Talk on Pension Scheme Implementation which was held by EuroCham and the Cambodian Federation of Employers and Business Associations (CAMFEBA) on 27 October at TRIBE Phnom Penh Post Office Square.
Opening remarks were provided by CAMFEBA's General Manager and Acting Legal Services Manager Mr. Tep Sophoan, followed by a main presentation given by Mr. Sok Bora, the Director of the Benefits Division at the @National Social Security Fund (NSSF).
Mr. Sok gave an overview of social security benefits, registration obligations for employers and employees, and methods for calculating contribution rates.
The Breakfast Talk ended with panel discussion with the speakers and Senior Legal Advisor and Attorney at Law at Bun & Associates Ms. Sous Sinoun, moderated by EuroCham Board Member Mr. Chheav Narath.
Among the key ideas presented during the panel discussion were survivor's pensions, how foreign employees fit into the social security scheme, and the requirements for employees taking part in the scheme.
Thank you to CAMFEBA for co-hosting, TRIBE for providing an excellent venue with a fantastic view of the city, and especially to our speakers and guests for making the event worthwhile.